Childcare Start-Up Grants

Refugee Childcare Start-Up Grant

If you would like to learn more about this grant please email Abby at

Family Start-Up Grant

The Family Start-up Grant (FSUG) helps fund start-up costs for licensed family and residential certificate child care programs. If you would like to apply for this program please click this link

The Employer Childcare Start-Up Grant

Utah 2022 legislation, HB15, directs the Office of Child Care to use COVID-19 relief funds to provide grants to eligible childcare providers to help pay startup costs associated with the provision of childcare. The purpose is to encourage and enable businesses and employer consortiums to:
1) Create and develop on-site or near-site childcare centers
2) Or partner with local and regional childcare providers to increase available slots for an employer’s working families
ECCSG Provider Application 

Frequently Asked Questions

ECCS Grant Basic Information

Employer Child Care Retention Strategy

Employer Partnership Options


Please contacts us at or 801-355-7444 if you have any questions or would like to connect with one of our team members. You  can schedule a meeting with a team member through Calendly.