If your family is looking to adopt a child domestically, either through CSS, privately, or through another agency, CSS can provide the required home study.  The study is used by agencies and the courts to assess if a stable environment exists for a family to receive an adoptive placement.  This important step is often required by adoption professionals before they will begin the process of connecting a family with an expectant mother or child, and so prospective adoptive families are encouraged to begin the process as soon as possible.

Please contact Tara Romney Barber for an application: tara@cssutah.org

Children’s Service Society also offers:

  • What is a home study?

    A home study or adoptive evaluation is a state required documentation process that covers your readiness and ability to adopt. A licensed social worker will visit with your family in your home. This is an excellent time for the worker to get to know you and understand your motivation to adopt. Although it may appear overwhelming and possibly invasive at first, you will begin to see that it can actually be a positive experience where you are able to share your family’s strengths. Your home study worker is there to help you bring your child home rather than hinder you in the process. Children’s Service Society conducts domestic home studies for families in the state of Utah.

    Watch our video about what a home study is and why it is important here.

  • What is the cost of a Domestic Home Study?

    $200 Application Fee

    $700 Home Study Fee

    You will also be responsible to pay for background check fees at $53.25 per adult and training fees which will be listed in the application.

  • How long will the home study process take?

    Typically a domestic home study takes three to four weeks once you have submitted all required documentation. Most families take about two weeks to gather all the required documents. After you have submitted your home study packet and questionnaire, your worker will schedule a home visit. Following this point it may take a couple weeks for your worker to compile the information into the home study document.

  • What is required of my family in the home study process?
    • Adoptive parents must have seen a doctor in the last six months.
    • Several background clearances will be run on each family member over 18 years of age. All criminal acts, no matter how long ago, must be disclosed to the worker.
    • We request five references and contact them regarding your ability to parent an adopted child.
    • Each able family member will be interviewed regarding the adoption process.
  • What should I expect in the home study interview?

    Talk to your worker at this time or prior about any concerns you may have about issues in your background. If things have happened in your life that may cause you to believe you could be denied for a home study, please disclose them. If possible, your worker will help you resolve these issues either through education or referral for counseling prior to completing the home study. If you have not disclosed significant information that is uncovered after the home study is complete, this will be automatic grounds for denial of the home study.

    Most people often think of the interview as the entire home study, but this is only part of the process. Your worker will likely have significant contact with you prior to coming to your home for the first home visit. The initial interview typically takes two to three hours. Each family member who is old enough will be interviewed and must be present for some part of the interview.

    You will be asked questions from the following general areas:
    • Desire and motivation to adopt
    • Family of origin and youth
    • Interests and hobbies
    • Marital relationship
    • Health
    • Parenting and discipline styles
    • Employment, home, and finance
    • Religion
    • Adoption preparedness

    The worker will also tour your home to ensure it is safe and appropriate for a child. Critical safety features that will be checked are smoke detectors and fire extinguishers on each floor, locking doors and windows, cleanliness, weapons, medications and cleaning supplies kept out of reach of children, and general safety of the home. If there is any area of the home in significant disrepair, you will be asked to correct this prior to approval of your home study.

  • How Do I begin?

    Home Study Application Contact Form

      Type of Home Study*

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