Parenting Tips
- A Checklist for Deciding When to Leave Your Child Home Alone
- Nutrition
- Home Safety Checklist
- Healthy Care
- Motor Skills
- Senses
- Understanding Your Child’s Challenging Behaviors
- Your Child’s Amazing Brain
- Creative Experiences
- Pretend Play
- Learning to Read
- Learning to Write
- School Readiness
- Games and Physical Exercise
- Helping Your Child Learn Honesty
- Your Child’s Fears and Nightmares
- How to balance working from home while caring for young kids
- CCAoA (Child Care Aware of America): Information about child development, opportunities for involvement in your community, activities that promote learning, bonding, and more.
For additional parenting tips contact our office at 801-326-4400 or 866-438-4847
Child Development Topics
- Newsletters: Current and Previous Editions of the Working Parents Newsletter on Child Development Topics Available Here
- Terrific Two-Year Olds
- Guiding infants and toddler behavior
- Toilet learning
- Dealing with Demanding Behavior
- Picky Eaters: A Guide to Responsive Feeding
- Stop Behavior Problems Before They Happen
- Helping your children learn self-control
- I’m So Mad! (Helping children deal with anger)
- Time-out or time-in?
- Infant environment: Let’s take a closer look
- Blocks: Great toys for all ages
- Discovering through science
- Outdoor Play on Winter Days
- Technology and media in child care
- Talking with children about the news
- Recognizing signs of abuse & neglect
- Recognizing family stressors
- How to Help Kids Cope with Holiday Stress
For additional child development topics contact our office at 801-355-4847 or 866-438-4847
Community Resources for Families
- Children’s Service Society of Utah: Adoption, parenting services, support for families raising their kin’s children, child care provider support, free referrals for child care, etc.
- Child Care Licensing Program: Provides complaint histories and compliance records of child care providers.
- Child Protective Services: To report suspected child abuse.
- Division of Child and Family Services: Child abuse and neglect prevention education and outreach
- The Information and Referral Center: Connects the community to human service agencies, governmental offices, and professional organizations.
- Family Support Center: Immediate, short-term (up to 72 hours) care for children less than 12 years old in a crisis situation.
- Division of Services for People with Disabilities: List of available resources for people with disabilities.
- Head Start: Pre-school program for low income and at-risk families.
- WIC (Women, Infants, and Children): Provides vouchers for nutritious food for nursing women, infants, and children up to five years old.
- Child Care Aware: Provides contact information for CCR&R agencies nationwide, parenting information, and more.
- Parents as Teachers: Is an international, non-profit organization that promotes optimal early development, learning and health of young children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers.
- CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program)
Provides low cost health insurance for children of income qualified families - Department of Workforce Services
Provides long-term help to pay for child care for income qualified families - Utah Association for Infant Mental Health (UAIMH): To promote a unified understanding of infant mental health across disciplines and programs and to develop a statewide system of resources in support of infant mental health for all families living in Utah.
- Jordan Family Education Center– The Jordan Family Education Center provides support services and classes for families and students in Jordan School District. Our services are provided by JSD school psychologists, counselors and school psychology interns.
- Kids in Care– The Kids in Care program reimburses regulated child care providers for caring for children while parents engage in formal job search activities.
- Public Libraries: Take advantage of this free way to introduce your child to the fun of reading! Reading is a great way to help your child develop imagination, increase attention span, and gain knowledge. This can also be a great bonding time for you and your child.
- Children’s Defense Fund Action Council: The council’s mission is to Leave No Child Behind and to ensure every child a successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.
- Voices for Utah Children: A child advocacy organization that speaks out on behalf of the children of Utah. They promote sound, far reaching program and policy solutions that focus on early care and education, health care, child welfare, and more. Find out how you can help.
- Early Childhood Education, goal is to create the most comprehensive and accurate resource for students interested in pursuing an early childhood education education that is also easy to use.