GRANDFAMILIES ADULT SUPPORT GROUP is a 10-week series of classes that meet weekly throughout the year. Some of the topics discussed are, unique family dynamics of kinship caregiving, understanding drug, and alcohol addiction, understanding your legal rights and how to deal with the emotional issues of the children in your care.
FRIEND 2 FRIEND is an activity and support group that is available to families who have completed the Grandfamilies First Classes. We have an annual Holiday Party with Santa, Halloween Party, Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Picnic, and occasional free tickets to professional sporting events and other community activities. We also provide guest speakers to inform Grandfamilies members on pertinent topics such as domestic violence, legal issues regarding adoption, guardianship, and custody, internet safety, and many other subjects or topics of concern.
CHILDREN’S GROUPS are held at the same time as the adult groups. These groups are for children ages 4 through 11. The Children’s groups are psycho-social classes lead by trained professionals. Some topics discussed are; drug and alcohol prevention, family dynamics, feelings, communication skills, stress reduction, anger management, and other social skills.
ADVOCACY and CRISIS INTERVENTION is provided by trained and licensed professionals. Staff is trained to assist clients in obtaining financial assistance for kinship caregivers and Medicaid for children, school enrollment, and interaction with government agencies. We also offer brief solution-focused therapy and limited mediation services for families in crisis by mental health professionals.