Thank you for your interest in volunteering with CSS!
Volunteers are valued as an essential part of accomplishing the Children’s Service Society of Utah’s mission to reach out and deliver CSS services with compassion and care. Volunteers aid in providing information and services that empower families, caregivers, and professionals to better understand how CSS services support the safety and well-being of children. Through their unique skills and talents, volunteers augment the work of paid staff and expand our services far beyond our agency doors for children and families in need.
If you would like to be added to our volunteer email list to receive updates on future opportunities, please contact: Nicole Newman, Community Outreach Coordinator nicole@cssutah.org If you are interested in volunteering a professional service, we would love to connect! Here’s a few examples of what we always need help with as a non-profit:
- Photography & Videography
- Graphic Design
- Web Development & Design
- Marketing
- Fundraising & Collecting In-Kind Donations
- Raising awareness of CSS services & resources
- Skills only YOU can provide!
Current Volunteer Needs at CSS:
- Preservation Project
- CSS has many precious historical items and documents that need preserving! Please reach out if you have any experience with this type of project.
- Tidying Up
- At our CSS office, we have a kid’s room and a kitchen that we can always use help desanitizing and making sure stay clean. Reach out if you’d like to help us keep our kids and staff safer and healthier!
- Playground Clean-up
- At the Building Blocks Childcare Center, there is a playground that we need help cleaning and sanitizing for the children!