We are Bart & Carrie, we have been married nearly 14 years, we have 4 fur babies and a spacious loving home with a beautiful park just down the street. We feel like we already know you, as we have been envisioning you in our dreams. And we truly wish the best for you and your baby. Adoption is no stranger in our family. Carrie is adopted via closed adoption (because that was ages ago! J/K– well if you define the 80’s as ages ago, I

guess that’s right) through this agency even! And her sister was adopted, via open adoption from this agency also. So our family is very supportive, understanding and excited for us as we enter this journey. We hope that our knowledge in adoption will calm all our nerves and offer some insight on the process of both sides of the story. We fully trust and admire the professionals at Children’s Service Society of Utah, they have been a significant part of my entire life. We can’t wait to meet you and be your cheerleader along the way. We look forward to welcoming you as an extended part of our family if that is what will work for the both of us. Thank you for taking your time to learn more about our fun little family that has room for more.
Our Story

We met 14 years ago in a karaoke dive bar. At first we were just friends, but soon after Carrie realized that she had found her Prince Charming and the one who keeps her safe. After 4 months of dating, Carrie proposed to Bart on August 13th and we were married on August 29th in the same year. Almost immediately we tried to build our family. After 5 years of trying and multiple miscarriages and infertility
procedures we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Soon thereafter Carrie began to suffer from horrible migraines and her health became our number 1 priority. Now, 9 years and 4 dogs later Carrie has recovered and we are excited to grow our family through adoption. Our future baby will be the first and highly anticipated grandchild for both our families. We have many aunts, uncles and cousins that have been supporting our adoption journey. We also have very good friends both near and far that have been so excited for this next step in our lives.

Meet Carrie

From a very young age Carrie has always shown a great interest in becoming a mother. When she was a little girl, would put her little sister in her doll’s carriage and push her around the house. During and after high school she was a daycare teacher and a live-in nanny. Then her love of children brought her to California and she began a career working at Disneyland for 5 years where she worked directly with children from all over the world.
Currently Carrie is a self employed artist that makes custom glitter tumblers out of her home. Her job will allow her to be a full time stay at home mother. Carrie loves to make homemade crafts, bake yummy treats and snuggle with her puppies in her spare time.
Carries Favorite Things
The Ocean
The Golden Girls
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
True Crime
Puppy Kisses

Carrie as Told by Bart

Carrie made me the luckiest man when she asked me to marry her. She is the most passionate, funny, loving and caring person I have ever met. She is the type of person that makes sure that others are cared for before caring for herself (her parents for sure named her right).
I knew Carrie would be an amazing mom the moment I fell head over heels for her (which was on our 3rd date). Carrie is wonderful with kids and loves spending time with them. She is always the first one to hold the babies, and when playing with little kids she gets down on their level to make sure she gives each kid quality time. I think this comes from when she
worked for Disneyland. I am so excited to have my wife and best friend by my side as we start this journey together.
Meet Bart
Bart grew up in a loving home, even though he was an only child he was able to gain various brothers and sisters along the way that were welcomed as a part of his family unit. He had a very close bond to his parents, but sadly and recently they have both passed away.
Bart has studied to be an EMT, been a blood donor collector and currently he has been a health insurance specialist for almost 8 years. He has extensive medical knowledge and he is always the first person his friends and family call when something is wrong. Bart is able to work from home also, so he will have an active role in raising our future child.
Bart is a HUGE football fan! He cheers on the New

Orleans Saints and the University Of Utah every Saturday and Sunday during football season. Bart also loves to go fishing and spending time outdoors at our favorite little spot called Trial Lake up in the Uintah Mountains. Bart spends his free time creating beautiful handcrafted furniture for our home, helping Carrie with her tumbler business and being the best doggie daddy in the world.
Bart’s Favorite Things
Anything Outdoors
College Football (Go UTES)
Playing Hide & Go Seek With The Dogs

Bart As Told By Carrie

Bart is goofy, loving, hard-working and loyal. He treats me like a princess, makes me feel safe and always stands up for what he believes in. He is sensitive, romantic and just an all-around good guy that is friends with Everyone! Bart is my Hero, he has taken care of me many times when I was unable to care for myself when I was recovering from surgeries. He works so hard to make sure that we never go without, while always making sure that he puts his family first. I can’t wait to see Bart as a father, I just know that he is going to be the most amazing one. He has been working hard on his Dad Jokes, lol!
Meet Our Dogs
Our dogs are an important part of our family and will be instant friends and protectors to our future child.
Pixie- 12yr old Chihuahua that rules the house! She is Carrie’s shadow and support dog. Pixie loves to snuggle and sit in front of the fireplace. She has never met a stranger she didn’t like.
Belle- 10yr old Chocolate Lab who loves to sleep on the couch and is afraid of the water. She is so mild mannered and is always there when you need a big goofy kiss.
Krewe- 2yr old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that will not go anywhere without his ball. He will play ball 24 hours a day if we let him and that still wouldn’t be enough. He is friendly, loving and Bart’s snuggle partner.
Timber- 1yr old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that will be your instant best friend. He is the most loving dog we have ever seen. He will give you real live hugs and wet puppy kisses multiple times during the day.

Our Home
We live in a beautiful neighborhood filled with families and children of all ages. There is a cute little park just a block away from our home that we like to visit with our dogs. Just up the road is the best little ice cream shop and splash pad that come alive in the spring and summer. Each Friday they have a selection of food trucks with ethnic foods from all around the globe that we love to sample from. The 4th of July is a huge festivity in our town with parades, 5k’s and carnivals complete with an outstanding firework display that we can watch from our front yard. There are excellent schools nearby and a police station right down the street.

Our Adventures
We are passionate about traveling. We have family members scattered throughout the nation and we like to travel as often as we can to go see them. We also love New Orleans and have visited there multiple times. We call NOLA our second home. Each year we like to plan a cruise so that we can get a little taste of the ocean and Caribbean life.
We love being spontaneous also and we frequently take mini vacations to Yellowstone, Las Vegas and Idaho. One of our favorite things to do is to go on a

drive up a mountain road to view the scenery and wildlife, do a little fishing and have a picnic. We hope to raise our future little one with the same fondness of traveling and instill a respect of all cultures, traditions and wildlife.

Our Promise

Thank you for taking the time to get to know our family and considering us as you make the difficult decision of who will parent. We hope that as you look through our profile, you are able to see the love that we have for each other, our family, and our future child.
We Promise your child will be loved each and every day by us, our family and our friends.
We Promise to share their adoption story with them from the beginning.
We Promise to only speak of you and their adoption story with love and respect.
We Promise to encourage them to chase their dreams no matter how big they are.
We Promise they will get to travel the country and enjoy vacations and the outdoors.
We Promise to celebrate each milestone.
We Promise to provide a safe and loving environment for your child to grow up in.
We Promise that whether you desire pictures, updates, letters or visits; your child will always know how much you love them.
Thank You

To learn more about Carrie and Bart contact CSS at tara@cssutah.org
or call/text 801-656-8527.