Sierra Hansen
Sierra is a family law attorney and Private Guardian Ad Litem in Lehi, UT, with Lone Peak Law. She specializes in helping families in conflict navigate the domestic courts. She experienced the courtroom for the first time at the age of 9 when she attended her own adoption proceedings. Since then, she’s spent many hours in the courtroom advocating for children and families.
Sierra interned with the Salt Lake District Attorney’s office as a Law Clerk for the Major Crimes Unit before opening Lone Peak Law in 2021. She also spends as much time as possible doing pro bono work and was recognized in 2020 in Salt Lake County for her contribution to the Landlord/Tenant Volunteer Calendar that year.
During the start of the pandemic, Sierra also interned as the first law clerk for a new non-profit organization, People’s Legal Aid, which provided Utah tenants with representation in civil court during an eviction process. As a law clerk, she argued many cases of first impression before the court as it grappled with both new federal eviction moratoriums that conflicted with Utah law and state pandemic responses.
During law school, Sierra won a Best Oralist award after competing in the Traynor Moot Court competition at the University of Utah. She brings her talent for oral advocacy and her passion for helping people to her clients as they navigate mediations and the legal system in Utah.